◈ Empire Ranking

Betelgeuse Server
Ranking Empire Score Number of players Number of planets
1 aespa 371,877,870 6 2072
2 인류 집정 연합 340,471,856 19 4100
3 スペースストーム 224,912,991 19 3109
4 Butterfly 15,496,561 9 325
5 モニター前オムツ着用 12,636,798 4 242
6 Grim Reaper 11,231,949 4 272
7 겜창부 6,582,293 3 223
8 공룡 5,230,184 3 232
9 桜花 3,900,593 10 228
10 은비까비 2,537,969 2 17
11 탐험맨 2,498,253 10 182
12 zxc 2,274,441 1 44
13 トゲナシトゲアリ 2,070,875 1 97
14 행이 1,931,709 4 69
15 AI corp2 1,327,782 1 24
16 우녕자 제국 1,249,193 2 38
17 시즌 859,293 1 61
18 미리내 388,965 4 96
19 Star Rail 180,631 1 69
20 춘식이 151,771 1 12
21 AVA 34,968 1 6
22 BlueSkyHigh 25,998 1 1
23 잠시 퀘때문에만듬 6,082 1 6
24 아무개 5,595 1 2
25 GODS 3,093 7 4
26 Prime 352 1 1
27 にゃんこ 216 1 1
28 94 1 1
29 大ラーァァァァァメンッ 54 1 1
On the homepage, only the 1st to 100th places are shown, and detailed ranking information can be checked directly in the game.